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Jax Coco: Less is more

Jax Coco is for the lovers of life and believers of balance, those who really can do it all – because great tasting drinks don’t have to be complicated.


Sourced from the volcanic hilly regions of the Philippines, our coconuts help us to create the purest of products, with great taste, naturally. The brand was created in 2011 and has a huge presence internationally, particularly in Hong Kong.

Jax coco water with drink next to it At Jax Coco we are committed to caring for our planet. That is why our coconut water is sold in an infinitely recyclable, premium can. In addition to this, we measure and offset 100% of our carbon emissions, supporting projects such as wind farms around the world. And we don’t stop there, we also give 1% of our revenue to good causes with a key focus on projects benefiting regenerative agriculture through working with Pur Project.

Pur is a leader in nature-based development who help companies develop projects to regenerate and preserve ecosystems and supports local communities of farmers through the development of nature-based solutions.


From our refined and sleek packaging to our minimal ingredients; we believe less is more and stay true to the simplicity of nature. Jax Coco coconut water uses no added sugar, is lower in calories and is naturally fat free. This makes for a drink that is perfect for any occasion: as a refreshing on-the-go drink, in a smoothie or in a cocktail.






How to stock up on Jax Coco today!

If you are a hotel, pub, café, co-working space, deli, farm shop and more, set up an account here and get wholesale deliciousness delivered to your site today!

If you have any questions or just want to find out a bit more about our service, get in touch with a member of our sales team today on 01733239003.


Written by – Miranda van Noorden – Brand Manager 💜

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